College Transition
Too often, parents seek out coaching only at the last minute. Their teen
might be in danger of not graduating from high school, or parents might
realize just before college begins that their teen is unprepared for the
transition. Some parents wait until the first semester of college, when
their teen is already struggling to stay afloat.
The shift from high school to college can be overwhelming. Many students
are unprepared for the self-reliance required by college life. Suddenly, they
must manage their own academic and personal schedules, attend classes on
time, complete homework without reminders, learn effective study habits,
ensure they get enough sleep, remember to take and refill medications,
balance work and leisure, cope with social pressures, and handle the feelings
of isolation and loneliness that often accompany leaving home for the
first time.
Now, add ADHD to the mix, and the challenges for these students increase
exponentially. For those with ADHD, a smooth and successful transition to
college often begins in high school. Preparing for college is a process, and
the road to self-sufficiency can be tricky.

Explore and identify which college is the best fit for you. Is a gap year right for you?
Determine how to access accommodations in college.
Develop a system for managing schedules and creating a plan of action for studying.
Balance responsibility with freedom.
Master medication management.
Establish a daily routine.
Build effective study skills.
Set up regular check-ins.
Learn budgeting and money management.
Foster self-advocacy skills.
Student coaching can extend into college to help ease the transition and provide essential support during the toughest months. The ultimate goal is to ensure that students gain confidence in their abilities and embrace their newfound independence.